Product Overview
Mest: Tony Lovato (vocals, guitar); Jeremiah Rangel (guitar); Matt Lovato (bass guitar); Nick Gigler (drums). PHOTOGRAPHS combines Mest's penchant for bright, hook-filled pop-punk with a few darker overtones (as evidenced by the gothic cover art and song titles like "Cursed," "Graveyard," and "Nightmare"). The mix is a somewhat uneasy one, and Mest actually fare better on songs--like the emo-tinged title track--where they stick to punchy, bubble-gum punk with singalong choruses. So while there isn't much that's dark and scary here, Mest doesn't deviate very far from their melodic, guitar-driven template, which should reassure their long-time fans. The enclosed DVD, featuring concert and behind-the-scenes footage, is an added bonus.