Beretta JGM9A3S Vertec-Style Replacement for Model M9A3 Plastic Polymer Dark Earth Handle Set


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Product Overview

BERETTA VERTEC-STYLE REPLACEMENT FOR M9A3 MODEL PLASTIC POLYMER DARK EARTH HANDLES A smaller Vertec-Style frame handle is designed for the M9A3 and fits on any Vertec frame version. Handle screws are not included. This is an original factory part manufactured by Beretta. These parts are made to the same factory standards and specifications as the parts currently in your Beretta gun. These Vertec-Style plastic thin handle set is the factory replacement for the Beretta M9A3. Next time the need arises for a replacement part for your favorite Beretta gun, why not purchase factory parts. Beretta factory parts are designed specifically for your specific gun to ensure an excellent fit and more importantly optimum operation. Beretta factory parts are made to tight tolerances and will provide you with years of reliable service. Trust your instincts go with original Beretta factory parts and accessories. A discomfortable gun handle may affect a secure grasp negatively and that is a factor that we wish to avoid. Rough texture handles / gritty handles are preferred by shooters that shoot in adverse conditions and need their grasp improved. One reason why plastic handles have become the favorite among many gun owners is its ability to be manufactured in many different colors and textures. Thus, the handle, especially when customized, can achieve a very artistic and aesthetic look.


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