Product Overview
Launch your child into a lifelong love of reading!Product InformationTwo lovable animated characters White Bear and Little Penguin guide your childon a thrilling adventure that will foster a lifelong love of reading. The gamesalong with a stationery section and two interactive storybooks are carefullystructured to adapt to each child's ability building their confidence anddeveloping essential pre-reading skills as they play. Give your child thefoundation they need to succeed in reading!Key Benefits Helps identify letter sounds and spell words containing mon spelling patterns Develops awareness of simple grammar and punctuation Intelligent software adjusts every game in response to individual strengths and weaknesses Includes printable worksheets and built-in progress trackingProduct Highlights Help is always at hand Penguin and Bear offer advice and encouragement and always make you smile! Learn mon spelling patterns Drag letters to plete each word. Read sentence clues to solveBee a word detective as you hunt down the picture that matches the clues. Instantly recognize frequently used words Learn to identify words in this quick fire matching game. Develop word order and punctuation skills Place jumbled words in the right order to build sentences. Enjoy reading Practice newly learned reading skills with two charming Penguin and Bearstorybooks.Windows System Requirements Windows 95 98 Me XP 486DX/33MHz or higher processor 16MB of RAM 640 x 480 pixel 256 color screen display 8-bit Sound Card required 10 MB of available Hard Drive space 2X CD-ROM drive Loudspeaker or headphones Mouse Inter access required to access online features Macintosh System Requirements Macintosh System 7.01 to 9.1 68LC040 25MHz processor 8 MB of RAM minimum 10 MB available on Hard Drive space 8-bit audio 640 x 480 pixel 256 colors 2X CD-ROM drive 16-bit Sound Card required Loudspeaker or headphones