PWA Cable-Power Extension 23 Feet


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Product Overview

New Power A Mk Ii Main System Extension Cables uflex 42058w Power Cable Extension Length 23' : Extension cables for the Power A MK II system allow you to customize the location of the main components of the system. Main Power Supply Cable: The system includes 2 of these cables which run between each battery and the main power supply of the system. If you need to extend the length of those cables order one of these for each cable that needs to be lengthened. Actuator Power Cable Extension: The system includes 2 of these for each engine and they run from each actuator to the main power unit. If you need to extend the length of the cables order one of these for each cable that needs to be lengthened. CAN Network Cable: The system includes a 3' cable between the dash mounted control unit and the computer unit a 33' cable from the computer unit to one actuator and a 3' cable between actuators. If you need to extend the length of any of those cables order the appropriate length below.


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