SEASTAR SOLUTIONS Dual Station Unit-Throttle


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Product Overview

New Dual Station Unit seastar Solutions 177030 Dual Station Throttle Unit : The Dual Station DS unit is designed for inboard sterndrive or outboard boaters that like using one lever to do both throttle and shift in their dual station boat. The Station Selector allows smooth operation of dual function controls in a dual station application. Great for dual station boats without a lot of dash space or for use with side mounted controls in two stations. Just put both levers in neutral turn the selector switch and you have changed stations. Seastar Solutions recommends to only use CCX633xx cables. Engine adapter kits for the control cables are needed unless provided by the manufacturer. Control boxes not included. Note: The Inboard/Sterndrive throttle unit is a pull to advance set up for a push to advance set up use the Outboard throttle unit.


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