Classic Series

Ice Defense

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Product Overview

The first product to hit the ice fishing market that truly keeps your ice hole open in cold weather conditions. Ice Defense is universal for all ice fishing styles and types. This product is engineered to keep your hole open down to -20°F. This design will give you peace of mind when it comes to frozen lines and constant ice build-up around your hole. Ice Defense is designed to help you catch more fish without the hassle of ice and slush. Classic Series Features: - 12 volt stand-alone device. - Adjustable base for those windy days. - Controllability – water flow control to stand up against Mother Nature’s worst hard water conditions. - Draws minimal battery power to keep you on the ice longer. - Sleek design for easy storage. - Used primarily for tip-ups and spear fishing. Includes: - Multi-Connect Terminal Fasteners - Quick Connect Transducer Line Clip - Nylon Carrying Case - Cold Nation Decal


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