Forster Case Trimmer Kit With 6 Pilots and 3 Coll...

Forster Products

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Product Overview

The Forster ";Original"; Case Trimmer is the perfect choice for trimming most calibers with bullet diameters from .171"; to .459"; and cartridge length no greater than 2.94";. This trimmer is a perfect choice for the novice or experienced reloader looking to precisely trim down brass cases to within specification. It is a fine mini-lathe that uses the accurate Brown and Sharpe type collets to accurately hold the rims of most rifle and pistol calibers within the range given above. Standard base (5-3/8";) included. Base Length: 5-3/8"; Collets Used: Forster ";Original"; Case Trimmer Collets #1, #2, #3, #4 Collets Included: Yes Collets #1, #2, #3 (they will fit most rifle cases from the 17 Remington to the 375 H&H and most handgun cases from 38 Special to 45 Colt (Long Colt) Pilots Used: Forster Pilots Included: Yes, Pilots for 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 30 caliber pilots.


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