3-Position Auto/Recirc/Empty, Front Cable


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Product Overview

Flow Rite Part #MPV03FN01 Auto Control Valve Recirculation/Empty<br><br>Like the V2&#44; the V3 is a reversible check valve that allows a single pump to perform the basic livewell functions necessary to keep your catch alive&#44; but does it in a passive or automatic manner. It also has a third closed "RECIRC" position. <BR><BR>When the first fish is caught&#44; place the valve in the "AUTO" position and turn on the pump. The pump will recirculate and aerate the livewell water and simultaneously blend in a portion of fresh lake water. Used water is expelled out the overflow to prevent any ammonia build up. When the boat is on plane&#44; the valve's check flap will prevent water loss out the drain&#44; and allow the pump to continue its recirculation. Water lost out the overflow while running is automatically made up when the boat is brought off plane. All this is accomplished without any operator assistance. For those times when outside water is not wanted or available&#44; such as adding ice&#44; livewell additives&#44; etc.&#44; place the valve in the "RECIRC" position. To empty&#44; simply turn off the pump and move the valve to the "EMPTY" position for gravity draining. Used for Automatic drain control and livewell management.<br><br>Features:<br><UL><LI>Accepts mounting of one standard aerator pump for both filling and recirculation</LI><BR><LI>Provides RECIRC / EMPTY / AUTO modes</LI></UL> Package Quantity = 1


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