GHOST Turbo Maritime Spring Cups Gun Stock Accessories


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Product Overview

The Ghost Turbo Maritime Spring Cups feature an advance design that is significant upgrade from the original spring cups! Voids built into the cup design allow the firing pin to bypass water, oil or other debris better and more efficiently. This ensures reliability even in the worst of conditions! This one upgrade even lessens the friction on the firing pin channel providing for hard heavy use in high pressure situations like tactical training or self defense. One size fits all! Ghost Turbo Maritime Spring Cups fit all GLOCK models and calibers Gen thu including the 42 and 43! With one simple upgrade, you can enhance that reliability and dramatically improve the performance of your pistol. Get the Ghost Turbo Maritime Spring Cups today! Specifications: Manufacturer Number: GHO_TMC. Ghost Inc. Turbo Maritime Spring Cups TMC. Permits the firing pin to bypass water, oil or debris better. Insures reliable firing in adverse conditions. Lessens friction in the firing pin channel. Polymer construction. Fits: Fits All Glock Models and Generations 1-4, including Glock 42 and 43.


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